Video Tutorials

 1     Reminders List
1 min 50 sec

The ‘Reminders List’ is the main screen in HirePOS, which lists reminders in the order to be actioned, including upcoming quotes and bookings, current hires due to be despatched or returned, overdue deposits and general reminders.

2 min 41 sec

In the ‘Setup’ menu, you can maintain customers, suppliers, item lists and various other settings that you will use to get HirePOS tuned into your way of working.

1 min 59 sec

Before we set up items, we should add in some item categories. This will filter down the item lists to assist with searching for items, and categorise the items when reporting.

2 min 4 sec

The 'Item Type' determines how the item behaves throughout the software. The most common types are Hire and Sales. HirePOS looks at all items as either Hire, Sales, or Non-stock.

1 min 40 sec

Before we can create a Quote, we need to create a Customer. HirePOS allows you to quickly add new customers at point of sale, and get an overview on existing customers credit status, sales history, and notes entered against the customer before proceeding through to sales.

5 min 23 sec

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the Sales (Quotes, Bookings, Invoices) screen, the various information that is recorded, and other related features.

1 min 50 sec

Sales records can move through several modes, such as Quote, Booking and Invoice, although you can always start at any mode. Unlike Bookings and Invoices which are 'confirmed' and hold stock, Quotes are not confirmed and do not allocate any stock. There is also a 'Reservation' mode which is not 'confirmed' however does reserve the stock.

3 min 48 sec

In this tutorial, we'll cover the various sales record modes in more detail. It is essential to understand the difference between these modes, and the various stages a sale can move through.

3 min 23 sec

Booked dates are 'estimated' dates and 'Hired' dates are actual dates. The 'Hired From' date is populated when the hire is dispatched, and the 'Hired To' date is populated when the hire is 'returned'.

3 min 07 sec

A range of templates are available for Quotes, Bookings, Tax Invoices, Delivery and Pickup Dockets and so on, which can be printed or emailed directly, and can also be customised with the report designer if required.

2 min 31 sec

Sales Records can be emailed out directly from HirePOS via your own email address, using custom email templates that include placeholders to save any manual data entry.

2 min 31 sec

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to record payments received in HirePOS for a single sales record, via the various payment methods.

4 min 49 sec

In this tutorial, we'll explain the functionality of the availability screen, which provides a visual whiteboard of items hired out or available.

1 min 37 sec

In this tutorial, we'll explain the calendar screen, which provides a visual whiteboard of upcoming bookings and events on a job by job basis.